Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position at Leiden Observatory to work on (spectro-)photometric data processing for the Gaia mission in preparation for Gaia DR5. The tasks foreseen include: quality assessment of the calibration of the BP/RP spectra and the integrated photometry obtained from these spectra; studying and developing improvements to the removal of sky background, stray light, and effects of neighbouring sources from the raw BP/RP spectra; study and develop improvements to the flux and line spread function calibration for the BP/RP spectra.

The successful candidate will work under supervision of Anthony Brown and join the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC). The work will be embedded in Coordination Unit 5 (CU5, photometry) of DPAC, where close collaboration with the group at the Data Processing Center at the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge is f oreseen, as well as interaction with the other DPAC coordination units. In addition a fraction of the time will be spent on supporting the catalogue validation activities of the Gaia group at Groningen University.

The successful candidate will have a PhD in astronomy, physics, computer science, or mathematics by the starting date. The candidate should have experience in astronomical data processing and data analysis. Experience with crowded field photometry and knowledge of Java and Python will be an advantage.

The appointment is for a period of three years and comes with full benefits and a competitive salary. The anticipated start date of the appointment is July 1 2025 or soon thereafter.

Leiden Observatory is the oldest university astronomy department in the world and the largest astronomy department in the Netherlands. Leiden is a charming university town with an international flair, located near Amsterdam.

Applications should be submitted electronically at and should include a curriculum vitae, publication list, a brief statement of data processing/analysis experience and research interests. The application should arrange for at least two letters of reference to be uploaded. Review of applications will start on April 15 2025.